



此外,过去数月,我们已经意识到有大量的、发布于匿名网站并经社交媒体广泛转载的作弊指控。而这些指控疑似是为了披露从玩家本身或第三方来源收集的关于玩家的隐私信息。请尊重其他特工的个人私隐,此等行为违反Ingress 社区准则,我们保留对Ingress 服务条款中所述涉及此类违规行为的任何相关Ingress帐户采取行动的权利。

Ingress 帮助中心是向NIA OPS举报可疑事件并寻求调查的最佳位置。 Niantic重视处理作弊行为并调查每一个举报。但是,并非所有的举报都是可行的,并且我们不能公开讨论调查结果,感谢阁下的谅解与耐心。


Effective immediately, the Guardian medal is retired and owning a Portal will no longer affect it. In order to counteract the most significant effects of scrapers on the Guardian medal, we will adjust the milestones for the medal. Over the next few days, we will award an onyx medal to anyone with 140 or greater consecutive days and platinum for 80 or more. Agents that have not unlocked the medal will have it removed from their profile.

Additionally, over the last few months, we have been made aware of numerous cheating allegations being published on anonymous websites and on social media that are aiming to disclose what appears to be private information about players gathered from the players themselves or from third-party sources. Please respect the privacy of your fellow Agents. Failing to do so is a violation of the Ingress Community Guidelines and we reserve the right to take action against any Ingress accounts involved in such violations as outlined in our Ingress Terms of Service.

The Ingress Help Center (https://support.ingress.com/hc/) remains the best place to report anything suspicious that NIA OPS should be aware of. Niantic takes cheating very seriously and we investigate all reports. However, not all reports turn out to be actionable and we cannot publicly discuss the results of our investigations. Thank you for your understanding and feedback.




关于  Ailitonia

正因站在了巨人的肩膀上,才越发觉得自己渺小。不求成为巨人,但求与其同行。 把自己所见所闻,记录下来。
